301.7D CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator Track Adjustment - Inspect Caterpillar

Track Adjustment - Inspect
301.7D CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator [SEBU9031]
300.9D and 300.9D VPS Mini Hydraulic Excavator Track Adjustment - Adjust
301.7D CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator Track Adjustment - Inspect
1.1. Measuring Rubber Track Tension
2.1. Measuring Steel Track Tension

Note: Keeping the track properly adjusted will increase the service life of the track components and the drive components.

Check the rubber tracks for the following conditions:

  • Steel cords that are cut

  • Core irons that are fractured

  • Rubber flaking off to the point of showing steel cords or core irons

  • Loss of traction or grousers are worn down to approximately 5 mm (0.2 inch) in height.

If any of the above conditions or a combination of the above conditions are observed, replace the track.

Measuring Rubber Track Tension

    Illustration 1g02723432

  1. Park the machine on a level surface.

  2. Place the blade at the rear of the machine.

  3. Lower the bucket to the ground with the stick in a vertical position.

  4. Apply boom down pressure and at the same time lift the machine with the blade until the tracks have cleared the ground.

  5. Place the machine in a horizontal position.

  6. Clean the track rollers and the area around the skid plate.

    Illustration 2g00484245

  7. For a machine that is equipped with the rubber tracks, locate the "omega" mark on the inside flat of the track.

  8. Locate the "omega" mark under the center track roller.

    Illustration 3g00522663

  9. Measure the sag in the track. The sag is measured from the bottom of the roller to the surface on the top of the track. A properly adjusted track will have 20 mm to 25 mm (0.78 inch to 0.98 inch) of sag (B).

Measuring Steel Track Tension

Note: The track tension must be set according to the current operating conditions. Keep the track as slack as possible if the soil is heavy.

Follow the same procedures for measuring rubber track tension. There is not an "omega" mark on the steel tracks. You do not need to align the steel tracks. The proper amount of sag for steel tracks is 20 mm to 25 mm (0.78 inch to 0.98 inch).

If the correct adjustment cannot be achieved consult your Cat dealer.

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