349F and 352F Excavators Joystick Controls - Cat Grade With Assist System Caterpillar

Joystick Controls - Cat Grade With Assist System
1.1. Cat Grade Control System Configuration
2.2. Horn
3.2. Touch Point/Laser
4.2. Adjust Target Depth
5.2. Select Cat Grade Control
6.2. Adjust Target Slope
7.2. Set/Clear Bench Mark
8.2. One Touch Low Idle
9.1. Cat Grade With Assist System Configuration
10.2. Horn
11.2. Hold Store Constant Bucket Angle
12.2. Select Cat Grade Control
13.2. Assist Feature Setting (ON/OFF)/ Overcut Protection Cancel
14.2. Store or Cancel Constant Bucket Angle
15.2. One Touch Low Idle
16.2. Cat Grade With Assist System Configuration With Tilt (If Equipped)
17.3. When Above Grade
18.3. When Within Grade Window ( <NOBR>75 mm</NOBR> <NOBR>(3.0 inch)</NOBR>)
19.3. Special Conditions During Swing

------ WARNING! ------

Once the system is placed in automatic mode, linkage and swing movement may occur.

Ensure that all personnel are clear of the machine before you place the system in automatic mode.

Personal injury could occur.

Illustration 1g03874487

Table 1
Joystick Configurations 
Switch Location  System Configurations 
Cat Grade Control Cat Grade With Assist  Cat Grade With Assist, With Tilt (If Equipped) 
Horn  Horn 
Touch Point/Laser  Constant Bucket Angle (Hold/ Store)  Return to Tilt Angle and Stored Bucket Angle Button 
Adjust Target Depth  Medium Pressure Control 
Select Cat Grade Control  Select Cat Grade Control 
(N/A)  Assist Feature Setting (ON/OFF)/
Overcut Protection (Cancel) 
Adjust Target Slope  High-Pressure Control 
Bench Mark (Set/ Clear)  Constant Bucket Angle (Store/ Cancel) 
One Touch Low Idle  One Touch Low Idle 

Cat Grade Control System Configuration

Cat Grade Control is designed to calculate bucket tip position and provide visual and audible feedback to the operator. This feedback allows the operator to achieve the desired grade safer, quicker and more accurately than traditional grading techniques.

For more information on Cat Grade Control, refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, SEBU8358, "Cat Grade Control Depth and Slope for E Series and F Series Excavators".


When horn switch (1) is depressed, the horn will sound.

Touch Point/Laser

Switch (2) is used with the touch point or laser function.

Adjust Target Depth

Switch (3) is used to adjust target depth.

Select Cat Grade Control

Switch (4) is used to select Cat Grade Control. Press and hold this trigger to activate (2) ( 3), (6),and (7).

Adjust Target Slope

Switch (6) is used to adjust target slope.

Set/Clear Bench Mark

Switch (7) is used to set and clear the bench mark. Pressing the trigger will set the bench mark. Pressing and holding the trigger will clear the bench mark.

One Touch Low Idle

When one-touch low idle (8) is pressed, the engine rpm is dropped. When a function is moved from the neutral position, one-touch low idle is turned off and the machine resumes the set throttle setting.

Cat Grade With Assist System Configuration


When horn switch (1) is depressed, the horn will sound.

Hold Store Constant Bucket Angle

Switch (2) will hold or store the constant bucket angle. Hold switches (2) and (7) for 3 seconds to set the bucket angle. Press switch (2) once to return to stored bucket angle. Press and hold switch (2) while operating the joystick for boom, stick, or bucket dump movements to hold bucket angle and keep the bucket angle. To stop holding the constant bucket angle, release switch (2) and return the joystick to neutral.

Select Cat Grade Control

Switch (4) is used to select Cat Grade Control. Press and hold this trigger to activate (2), (3), (6) and (7).

Refer to Cat Grade Control configuration for further details.

Assist Feature Setting (ON/OFF)/ Overcut Protection Cancel

Switch (5) is used to select overcut protection or cancel. If switch (5) is held, then the bucket can go through the target slope.

Store or Cancel Constant Bucket Angle

Switch (7) is used to store and cancel the bucket angle. Hold switch (7) for 3 seconds to clear stored bucket angle.

One Touch Low Idle

When one-touch low idle (8) is pressed, the engine rpm is dropped. When a function is moved from the neutral position, one-touch low idle is turned off and the machine resumes the set throttle setting.

Cat Grade With Assist System Configuration With Tilt (If Equipped)

Note: While performing any function without swing, the tilt assist will function as stated below. If switch (2) is pressed before or during swing special conditions apply.

Illustration 2g06113063
Normal working range for the variable tilt feature

Note: With the bucket at full open and full closed positions the variable tilt feature will be temporarily paused. To re-enable the tilt feature, the bucket must be within the normal working range (A), which is considered to be at least 30 degrees below the horizon from either open (dump) or closed (curled) position. Refer to Illustration 2.

When Above Grade

Press switch (2) and release to change bucket tilt angle to match the grade. Press and hold switch (2) to change bucket tilt angle to match the grade or restored angle. To stop constant bucket angle, release (2) and return the joystick to neutral.

Note: If the controls are returned to neutral, the tilt assist function will stop.

When Within Grade Window ( 75 mm (3.0 inch))

If switch (2) is not pressed, the bucket will try to hold the existing angle, but will match the grade. The tilt angle will adjust automatically.

Press switch (2) and release to set the tilt angle to the programmed setting.

Press and hold switch (2) to maintain the tilt angle to the programmed setting.

Note: If the controls are returned to neutral, the tilt assist function will stop.

Special Conditions During Swing

If the tilt assist function button is pressed during swing, the tilt assist will pause while swinging. Once swing has stopped, the tilt assist will no longer be paused, and will continue movement to match grade. If the controls are returned to neutral, the function will stop.

If the tilt assist function button is pressed before swing, the tilt assist will pause once swinging starts. Once swing has stopped, tilt assist will no longer be paused, but will not continue movement.

If the bucket tilt control is adjusted during a swing, the tilt bucket will adjust as commanded, but the tilt assist will not perform any action.

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