312C and 312C L Excavator Lifting Capacities - 312C L with a Reach Boom and No Blade Caterpillar

Lifting Capacities - 312C L with a Reach Boom and No Blade

Illustration 1g01055537
(H) Height
(F) Lifting capacity over the front or over the rear of the machine
(S) Lifting capacity over the side of the machine
(R) Reach

Table 1
312C L Excavator with a 4.65 m (15 ft 3 inch) reach boom, a 1.8 m (6 ft 8 inch) stick, a quick coupler, and 600 mm (2 ft) triple grouser track shoes(1)
All lifting capacities are in kilograms. 
1.5 m 3.0 m  4.5 m  6.0 m  Maximum Reach 
F S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  m 
6.0 m          3320(2)      2460(2)  5.1 
4.5 m          3470(2)  2970(2)  2200  2250(2)  2110  6.14 
3.0 m      5870(2)  4210(2)  3390  3420  2150  2240(2)  1780  6.69 
1.5 m      6780(2)  5750  5130(2)  3170  3320  2060  2360(2)  1660  6.88 
0.0 m      6360(2)  5500  5050  3010  3240  1990  2650(2)  1680  6.73 
-1.5 m  4850(2)  6830(2)  5490  4990  2950  3220  1970  3070  1880  6.22 
-3.0 m  6420(2)  7470(2)  5600  5050  3000      4020  2450  5.23 
(1) Lift capacities are based on "SAE J1097" and "ISO 10567" standards. The listed capacities do not exceed 87 percent of the hydraulic lifting capacity or 75 percent of the tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be subtracted from the lifting capacities.
(2) Capacity is limited by hydraulics rather than by a tipping load.

Table 2
312C L Excavator with a 4.65 m (15 ft 3 inch) reach boom, a 2.25 m (7 ft 5 inch) stick, a quick coupler, and 600 mm (2 ft) triple grouser track shoes(1)
All lifting capacities are in kilograms. 
1.5 m 3.0 m  4.5 m  6.0 m  Maximum Reach 
F S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  m 
6.0 m                  1990(2)  5.6 
4.5 m          3130(2)  3130(2)  2260  1840(2)  6.56 
3.0 m      5150(2)  3910(2)  3460  3410(2)  2190  1830(2)  1650  7.08 
1.5 m      7780(2)  5950  4900(2)  3230  3360  2100  1920(2)  1540  7.26 
0.0 m      6920(2)  5590  5100  3050  3270  2010  2140(2)  1560  7.11 
-1.5 m  4430(2)  6960(2)  5520  5010  2970  3220  1970  2580(2)  1720  6.63 
-3.0 m  6330(2)   7780(2)   5590  5030  2990      3500  2150  5.72 
(1) Lift capacities are based on "SAE J1097" and "ISO 10567" standards. The listed capacities do not exceed 87 percent of the hydraulic lifting capacity or 75 percent of the tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be subtracted from the lifting capacities.
(2) Capacity is limited by hydraulics rather than by a tipping load.

Table 3
312C L Excavator with a 4.65 m (15 ft 3 inch) reach boom, a 2.7 m (8 ft 10 inch) stick, a quick coupler, and 600 mm (2 ft) triple grouser track shoes(1)
All lifting capacities are in kilograms. 
1.5 m 3.0 m  4.5 m  6.0 m  7.5 m  Maximum Reach 
F S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  m 
7.5 m                      2060(2)  4.65 
6.0 m              2140(2)      1730(2)  6.17 
4.5 m              2760(2)  2280      1620(2)  7.05 
3.0 m          3430(2)  3090(2)  2200  1760(2)  1480  1620(2)  1470  7.54 
1.5 m      6880(2)  6090  4490(2)  3260  3360  2090  2340  1440  1700(2)  1380  7.7 
0.0 m      7710(2)  5590  5100  3040  3250  1990  2220(2)  1400  1890(2)  1380  7.57 
-1.5 m  4070(2)  7320(2)  5430  4960  2920  3180  1930      2250(2)  1500  7.12 
-3.0 m  6350(2)  7860(2)  5460  4950  2910  3180  1930      2990  1820  6.28 
-4.5 m      6600(2)  5640  4250(2)  3020          3730(2)  2720  4.85 
(1) Lift capacities are based on "SAE J1097" and "ISO 10567" standards. The listed capacities do not exceed 87 percent of the hydraulic lifting capacity or 75 percent of the tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be subtracted from the lifting capacities.
(2) Capacity is limited by hydraulics rather than by a tipping load.

Table 4
312C L Excavator with a 4.65 m (15 ft 3 inch) reach boom, a 1.8 m (6 ft 8 inch) stick, a quick coupler, and 850 mm (2 ft 9 inch) triple grouser track shoes(1)
All lifting capacities are in kilograms. 
1.5 m 3.0 m  4.5 m  6.0 m  Maximum Reach 
F S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  m 
6.0 m          3320(2)      2460(2)  5.1 
4.5 m          3470(2)  2970(2)  2300  2250(2)  2210  6.14 
3.0 m      5870(2)  4210(2)  3540  3580  2260  2240(2)  1870  6.69 
1.5 m      6780(2)  6020  5130(2)  3320  3490  2170  2360(2)  1750  6.88 
0.0 m      6360(2)  5770  5290  3160  3410  2090  2650(2)  1770  6.73 
-1.5 m  4850(2)  6830(2)  5760  5230  3100  3380  2080  3220  1980  6.22 
-3.0 m  6420(2)  7470(2)  5870  5050(2)  3160      4040(2)  2570  5.23 
(1) Lift capacities are based on "SAE J1097" and "ISO 10567" standards. The listed capacities do not exceed 87 percent of the hydraulic lifting capacity or 75 percent of the tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be subtracted from the lifting capacities.
(2) Capacity is limited by hydraulics rather than by a tipping load.

Table 5
312C L Excavator with a 4.65 m (15 ft 3 inch) reach boom, a 2.25 m (7 ft 5 inch) stick, a quick coupler, and 850 mm (2 ft 9 inch) triple grouser track shoes(1)
All lifting capacities are in kilograms. 
1.5 m 3.0 m  4.5 m  6.0 m  Maximum Reach 
F S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  m 
6.0 m                  1990(2)  5.6 
4.5 m          3130(2)  3130(2)  2360  1840(2)  6.56 
3.0 m      5150(2)  3910(2)  3620  3410(2)  2300  1830(2)  1730  7.08 
1.5 m      7780(2)  6220  4900(2)  3380  3520  2200  1920(2)  1630  7.26 
0.0 m      6920(2)  5860  5340  3210  3430  2120  2140(2)  1640  7.11 
-1.5 m  4430(2)  6960(2)  5790  5250  3130  3390  2080  2580(2)  1810  6.63 
-3.0 m  6330(2)   7780(2)   5860  5270  3140      3580(2)   2260  5.72 
(1) Lift capacities are based on "SAE J1097" and "ISO 10567" standards. The listed capacities do not exceed 87 percent of the hydraulic lifting capacity or 75 percent of the tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be subtracted from the lifting capacities.
(2) Capacity is limited by hydraulics rather than by a tipping load.

Table 6
312C L Excavator with a 4.65 m (15 ft 3 inch) reach boom, a 2.7 m (8 ft 10 inch) stick, a quick coupler, and 850 mm (2 ft 9 inch) triple grouser track shoes(1)
All lifting capacities are in kilograms. 
1.5 m 3.0 m  4.5 m  6.0 m  7.5 m  Maximum Reach 
F S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  F  S  m 
7.5 m                      2060(2)  4.65 
6.0 m              2140(2)      1730(2)  6.17 
4.5 m              2760(2)  2380      1620(2)  7.05 
3.0 m          3430(2)  3090(2)  2310  1760(2)  1560  1620(2)  1550  7.54 
1.5 m      6880(2)  6370  4490(2)  3410  3520  2200  2460(2)   1520  1700(2)  1450  7.7 
0.0 m      7710(2)  5870  5340  3190  3410  2090  2220(2)  1480  1890(2)  1460  7.57 
-1.5 m  4070(2)  7320(2)  5710  5200  3080  3340  2030      2250(2)  1590  7.12 
-3.0 m  6350(2)  7860(2)  5730  5190  3060  3350  2040      2990(2)   1920  6.28 
-4.5 m      6600(2)  5910  4250(2)  3170          3730(2)  2860  4.85 
(1) Lift capacities are based on "SAE J1097" and "ISO 10567" standards. The listed capacities do not exceed 87 percent of the hydraulic lifting capacity or 75 percent of the tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be subtracted from the lifting capacities.
(2) Capacity is limited by hydraulics rather than by a tipping load.

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