Retrofitting Boom Lowering Control Valve/Stick Lowering Control Valve on 345D/349D/349D2 Excavators {5051, 5057, 5059, 5456, 5458} Caterpillar

Retrofitting Boom Lowering Control Valve/Stick Lowering Control Valve on 345D/349D/349D2 Excavators {5051, 5057, 5059, 5456, 5458} [M0068244]
Retrofitting Boom Lowering Control Valve/Stick Lowering Control Valve on 345D/349D/349D2 Excavators {5051, 5057, 5059, 5456, 5458}
1.1. Introduction
2.1. Safety Section
3.1. Required Parts
4.2. Check and Relief Valve Installation for Reach Boom and Mass Boom (Boom Lowering Control)
5.2. Check and Relief Valve Installation for Heavy Lift, R-Boom (Stick Lowering Control)
6.2. Check and Relief Valve Installation for Heavy Lift, M-Boom (Stick Lowering Control)
7.1. Machine Preparation
8.1. Installation Procedure
9.2. Boom Lowering Control Valve - Reach Boom/Mass Boom
10.2. Stick Lowering Control Valve - Heavy Lift, Reach Boom
11.2. Stick Lowering Control Valve - Mass Boom


This Special Instruction outlines the installation procedure to retrofit a Boom Lowering Control Valve (BLCV) and a Stick Lowering Control Valve (SLCV) on the applicable machines listed.

Safety Section

Do not perform any procedure in this special instruction until you have read this special instruction and you understand this information. Use only proper tools and observe all precautions that pertain to the use of those tools. Failure to follow these procedures can result in personal injury. The following procedures should also be observed.

Work safely. Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance, and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs.

A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training, skills, and tools in order to perform these functions properly.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this instruction and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons. AVSpare cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.

Therefore, the warnings in this publication and the warnings that are on the product are not all inclusive. If the tools, the procedure, the work method, or your actions are not recommended by AVSpare, ensure that the tools and your actions are safe for you and for others.

Ensure that the product will not be damaged or the product will be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance, or the repair procedures.


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Cat® products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.


Do not allow any dirt or foreign material to get into the hydraulic system during assembly, connection of lines, when components are filled with fluid, or during any maintenance operation.

------ WARNING! ------

Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic systems after the engine and pump have been stopped. Serious injury can be caused if this pressure is not released before any service is done on the hydraulic systems. To prevent possible injury, refer to the section, Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic System Pressure - Release" before any fitting, hose or component is loosened, tightened, removed or adjusted.

When possible, the bucket or attachment must always be lowered to the ground before service is started. When it is necessary for the boom to be in the raised position while tests or adjustments are done, be sure that the boom, stick and bucket or attachment have correct support.

The swing lock (if equipped) must be engaged before service is started.

Always move the machine to a location away from the travel of other machines. Be sure that other personnel are not near the machine when the engine is running and tests or adjustments are being made.

Required Parts

Check and Relief Valve Installation for Reach Boom and Mass Boom (Boom Lowering Control)

Table 1
296-7134 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
7K-1181  Strap-Cable  18 
7Y-4868  Clip 
108-7550   Clip 
133-5813   Band-Marker (Gray, P) 
239-1575   Tube As. 
239-1576   Tube As. 
462-3583   Support As. 
239-1582   Hose As. 
245-5122   Block 
10  248-9461  Support As 
11  248-9488   Hose As. 
12  263-1964  Vavlve Gp-Load Control (Boom Cylinder) 
13  270-5692  Valve Gp-Manual (Boom Lower) 
14  292-7279   Hose As. 
15  302-3340  Tube As. 
16  302-3341  Tube As. 
17  319-9785  Hose As. 
18  320-0151  Hose As. 
19  148-8317  Connector As. 
3D-2824 Seal-O-Ring 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8714 Connector 
20  148-8327   Connector As. 
3D-2824 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8637 Connector 
6V-9746 Seal-O-Ring 
21  148-8336   Connector As. 
3J--1907 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8636 Connector 
22  148-8347   Elbow As. 
3D-2824 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9007 Elbow 
6V-9746 Seal-O-Ring 
23  148-8361   Elbow As. 
3J-7354 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9200 Elbow 
24  148-8378   Elbow As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8724 Elbow 
25  148-8411   Plug As. 
3K-0360 Seal-O-Ring 
9S-4185 Plug 
26  148-8435   Tee As.r 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8781 Tee 
27  164-5589   Connector As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
8C-0597 Connector 
28  1P-3704   Seal-Rectangular 
29  6V-9746   Seal-O-Ring 
30  8T-4121   Washer-Hard 
31  8T-4176   Bolt 
32  8T-4185   Bolt 
33  8T-4223   Washer-Hard  18 
34  8T-4648   Bolt 
35  8T-4956   Bolt 
36  108-3819   Bolt-Socket Head 

Table 2
302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
7K-1181  Strap-Cable 
134-6921   Hose As. 
285-2715   Hose As. 
7Y-4387  Hose As. 
148-8318  Connector As. 
3K-0360 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8634 Connector 
148-8367   Elbow As. 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9850 Elbow 
148-8378    Elbow As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8724 Elbow 
148-8371  Elbow As. 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
8C-8988 Elbow 

Table 3
302-3139 Return Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
7K-1181  Strap-Cable 
177-1061  Elbow As. 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
142-0038 Elbow 
168-9641   Hose As. 
194-0343  Hose As. 
302-3150  Hose As. 
448-7595  Valve Gp- Load Control 
148-8335   Connector As 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8635 Connector 
7M-8485 Seal-O-Ring 
148-8429  Tee As. 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9840 Tee-Swivel 
148-8445  Tee As. 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9847 Tee-Swivel 
10  148-8431  Tee As. 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8785 Tee 
7M-8485 Seal-O-Ring 

Check and Relief Valve Installation for Heavy Lift, R-Boom (Stick Lowering Control)

Table 4
323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp to 323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp Rework 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
453-1259  Bolt 
140-0681  Cover 
122-7768  Plug 
4J-0523  Seal-O-Ring 
6V-6793  Ring-Backup 

Table 5
230-0138 Boom Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
7X-2549  Bolt 
453-1256  Bolt 
451-2180  Bolt 
216-6515  Clip 
5Q-4212  Clip 
153-8669   Hose As 
212-5419  Hose As. 
451-2183  Nut 
6V-9168  Nut 
10  321-0529  Tube As. 
11  157-9338  Plate. 
12  216-6533  Plate 
13  302-9564  Plate 
14  6V-8398  Seal-O-Ring 
15  7K-1181  Strap-Cable 
16  149-5452  Union As. 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8994 Union 
17  451-2175  Washer-Hard 
18  8T-4223  Washer-Hard 
19  447-1703  Bolt 
20  451-2175  Washer-Hard 

Table 6
302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
4I-6236   Hose As. 
7K-1181  Strap-Cable  10 
087-5591   Hose As. 
248-9553  Block 
347-4413  Union As-Cross 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
325-8908 Tee 
325-8909  Hose As. 
148-8318  Connector As. 
3K-0360 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8634 Connector 
148-8340  Connector As. 
3K-0360 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8398 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8639 Connector 
148-8407   Plug As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
9S-4191 Plug 
10  148-8433  Tee As. 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9836 Tee-Swivel 
11  4J-0523  Seal-O-Ring 
13  6V-6793  Ring-Backup 
14  447-1706  Bolt 
15  451-2175   Washer-Hard 
16  4I-9523  Band-Marker (Blue, L3) 
17  133-5813  Band-Marker (Gray, P) 

Table 7
302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
447-1707  Bolt 
8T-4186  Bolt 
457-5821  Bolt 
8T-6868  Bolt 
108-1782  Bolt 
093-1294  Clamp 
216-6515  Clip 
148-8328   Connector As. 
3D-2824 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8398 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8633 Connector 
148-8368   Elbow As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
4J-5477 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8627 Elbow 
10  302-9548  Tube As. 
11  302-9550  Tube As. 
12  302-9552  Tube As. 
13  6V-8397  Seal-O-Ring 
14  6V-8398  Seal-O-Ring 
15  1P-3705   Seal-Rectangular 
16  462-3574  Support As. 
17  462-3582  Support As. 
18  302-9547  Tube As. 
19  285-1768  Valve Gp-Load Control (Stick Cylinder) 
20  3E-4356  Washer-Hard 
21  453-3454  Washer-Hard  10 
22  8T-4223   Washer-Hard 

Table 8
323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
451-2176   Washer-Hard 
6V-6788  Bolt 
323-7700  Valve Gp-Control (RH) 
323-7703  Valve Gp-Control (LH) 
7Y-5219  Seal-O-Ring 
1P-3703  Seal-Rectangular 
4J-8998  Seal-O-Ring 
5J-2974  Seal-O-Ring 

Check and Relief Valve Installation for Heavy Lift, M-Boom (Stick Lowering Control)

Table 9
230-0140 Boom Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
7X-2549  Bolt 
8T-4139  Bolt 
8T-4173  Bolt 
8T-4779  Bolt 
179-5235  Clip 
216-6515   Clip 
5Q-4212  Clip 
4I-3514  Hose As. 
302-9565  Hose As. 
10  8T-4132  Nut 
11  8T-4244  Nut. 
12  6V-9168  Nut 
13  302-9580  Tube As. 
14  157-9338  Plate 
16  302-9564  Plate 
17  6V-8398  Seal-O-Ring 
18  7K-1181   Strap-Cable 
19  149-5452  Union As. 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8994 Union 
20  9X-8257  Washer 
21  8T-4223  Washer-Hard 

Table 10
302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
4I-6236   Hose As. 
7K-1181  Strap-Cable  10 
087-5591   Hose As. 
248-9553  Block 
347-4413  Union As-Cross 
5K-9090 Seal-O-Ring 
325-8908 Tee 
325-8909  Hose As. 
148-8318  Connector As. 
3K-0360 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8634 Connector 
148-8340  Connector As. 
3K-0360 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8398 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8639 Connector 
148-8407   Plug As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
9S-4191 Plug 
10  148-8433  Tee As. 
6V-8397 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-9836 Tee-Swivel 
11  4J-0523  Seal-O-Ring 
13  6V-6793  Ring-Backup 
14  447-1706  Bolt 
15  451-2175   Washer-Hard 
16  4I-9523  Band-Marker (Blue, L3) 
17  133-5813  Band-Marker (Gray, P) 

Table 11
302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
447-1707  Bolt 
8T-4186  Bolt 
457-5821  Bolt 
8T-6868  Bolt 
108-1782  Bolt 
093-1294  Clamp 
216-6515  Clip 
148-8328   Connector As. 
3D-2824 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8398 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8633 Connector 
148-8368   Elbow As. 
3J-1907 Seal-O-Ring 
4J-5477 Seal-O-Ring 
6V-8627 Elbow 
10  302-9548  Tube As. 
11  302-9550  Tube As. 
12  302-9552  Tube As. 
13  6V-8397  Seal-O-Ring 
14  6V-8398  Seal-O-Ring 
15  1P-3705   Seal-Rectangular 
16  462-3574  Support As. 
17  462-3582  Support As. 
18  302-9547  Tube As. 
19  285-1768  Valve Gp-Load Control (Stick Cylinder) 
20  3E-4356  Washer-Hard 
21  453-3454  Washer-Hard  10 
22  8T-4223   Washer-Hard 

Table 12
323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp 
Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
451-2176   Washer-Hard 
6V-6788  Bolt 
323-7700  Valve Gp-Control (RH) 
323-7703  Valve Gp-Control (LH) 
7Y-5219  Seal-O-Ring 
1P-3703  Seal-Rectangular 
4J-8998  Seal-O-Ring 
5J-2974  Seal-O-Ring 

Machine Preparation

  1. Position the machine on level ground.

  2. Fully retract the stick cylinder rod. Adjust the position of the bucket so that the bucket is parallel to the ground. Lower the boom until the bucket is flat on the ground.

  3. Shut off the engine.

  4. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic System Pressure - Release".

Installation Procedure

Boom Lowering Control Valve - Reach Boom/Mass Boom

    Illustration 1g06034784
    292-7160 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp
    (A1) 128-7591 Support As
    (A2) 108-7550 Clip

  1. Remove support (A1) and clip (A2).

    Table 13
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 296-7134 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    A1  128-7591  Support As 
    A2  108-7550  Clip 

    Illustration 2g06034807
    289-5734 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp
    (B1) 8T-4648 Bolt
    (B2) 8T-4223 Hard Washer
    (B3) 292-7437 Tube As
    (B4) 1P-3704 Rectangular Seal
    (B5) 8T-4139 Bolt
    (B6) 8T-4223 Hard Washer
    (B7) 462-3581 Support As
    (B8) 106-7550 Plate As

  2. Remove the four bolts (B1) and washers (B2) that secure tube (B3) to the left boom cylinder. Remove the two bolts (B5) and washers (B6) that secure clip (B8) to support (B7). Remove the tube and discard seal (B4).

    Table 14
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 296-7134 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    B1  8T-4648  Bolt 
    B2  8T-4223  Hard Washer 
    B3  292-7437  Tube As 
    B4  1P-3704  Rectangular Seal 
    B5  8T-4139  Bolt 
    B6  8T-4223  Hard Washer 
    B7  462-3581  Support As 
    B8  106-7550  Plate As 

  3. Repeat the previous step for the right boom cylinder.

    Illustration 3g06034835
    263-1964 Load Control Valve Gp
    (C1) 225-4820 Plug As
    (C2) 225-4820 Plug As

  4. Remove plug (C1) and plug (C2) from the load control valve.

    Table 15
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 296-7134 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    C1  225-4820  Plug As 
    C2  225-4820  Plug As 

    Illustration 4g02818876
    296-7134 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp

  5. Install 296-7134 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp shown in Illustration 4. Refer to Table 1 for the list of parts.

    Illustration 5g06035329
    302-2985 Pilot Lines Gp
    (D1) 329-2793 Hose As

  6. Remove hose (D1).

    Table 16
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    D1  329-2793  Hose As 

    Illustration 6g06035337
    302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp
    (D1) 292-7163 Pump Lines Gp

  7. Remove plug (E1).

    Table 17
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    E1  148-8411  Plug As 

    Illustration 7g06035342
    292-7160 Boom Cylinder Lines Gp
    (F1) 148-8353 Elbow As

  8. Remove adapter (F1).

    Table 18
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    F1  148-8353  Elbow As 

    Illustration 8g01883293
    302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp

  9. Install 302-3140 Pilot Lines Gp shown in Illustration 8. Refer to Table 2 for the list of parts.

    Illustration 9g06035365
    292-7161 Front Lines Gp
    (G1) 330-2318 Hose As

  10. Remove hose (G1).

    Table 19
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3139 Return Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    G1  330-2318  Hose As 

    Illustration 10g06035370
    292-7162 Swing Motor Lines Gp
    (H1) 148-8431 Tee As
    (H2) 319-9775 Hose As

  11. Remove tee (H1) and hose (H2).

    Table 20
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3139 Return Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    H1  148-8431  Tee As 
    H2  319-9775  Hose As 

    Illustration 11g06035382
    Boom Cylinder Lines Gp
    (J1) Pilot Valve Gp

  12. Remove pilot valve (J1).

    Table 21
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3139 Return Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    J1  448-7593  Pilot Valve Gp (Standard) 
    448-7594 Pilot Valve Gp (Heavy Lift) 

    Illustration 12g01637137
    302-3139 Return Lines Gp

  13. Install 302-3139 Return Lines Gp shown in Illustration 12. Refer to Table 3 for the list of parts.

Stick Lowering Control Valve - Heavy Lift, Reach Boom

  1. The 323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp must be updated to the 323-7703 Main Control Valve Gp. Perform the following steps to make the conversion.

      Illustration 13g06035403
      323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp
      (A1) 447-1703 Bolt
      (A2) 270-5698 Pilot Valve Gp
      (A3) 447-1706 Bolt
      (A4) 352-7204 Relief Valve Gp

    1. Remove bolts (A1) and bolts (A3) that secure pilot valve (A2). Remove the pilot valve.

    2. Remove relief valve (A4).

      Table 22
      Standard Removal Parts To Convert 323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp To 323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp 
      Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
      A1  447-1703  Bolt 
      A2  270-5698  Pilot Valve Gp 
      A3  447-1706  Bolt 
      A4  352-7204  Relief Valve Gp 

      Illustration 14g06035414
      323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp

    3. Install O-ring (4) and backup ring (5). Place cover (2) onto the valve and secure with two bolts (1) and the remaining two bolts and washers that were removed in the Step a. Refer to Table 4 for the list of part numbers.

    4. Install plug (3).

    Illustration 15g06035445
    245-4930 Boom Lines Gp
    (B1) 453-2838 Bolt
    (B2) 451-2175 Hard Washer

  2. Remove two bolts (B1) and the washers.

    Table 23
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 230-0138 Boom Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    B1  453-2838  Bolt 
    B2  451-2175  Hard Washer 

  3. For machines not equipped with auxiliary lines proceed to Step 4. For machines that are equipped with auxiliary lines, proceed to Step a.

      Illustration 16g06035472
      230-0114 Auxiliary Hydraulic Lines Gp
      (C1) 453-1256 Bolt
      (C2) 451-2175 Hard Washer
      (C2) 132-1596 Plate

    1. Remove four bolts (C1), four washers (C2) and plate (C3).

      Table 24
      Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 230-0138 Boom Lines Gp 
      Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
      C1  453-1256  Bolt 
      C2  451-2175  Hard Washer 
      C2  132-1596  Plate 

    Illustration 17g01518688
    230-0138 Boom Lines Gp

  4. Install 230-0138 Boom Lines Gp shown in Illustration 17. Refer to Table 5 for the list of parts.

    Illustration 18g06035576
    302-2985 Pilot Lines Gp
    (D1) 115-3667 Hose As
    (D2) 133-5813 Marker Band
    (D3) 148-8378 Elbow As
    (D4) 148-8353 Elbow As

  5. Remove hose (D1) and marker band (D2). Remove elbow (D3) and elbow (D4).

    Table 25
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    D1  115-3667  Hose As 
    D2  133-5813  Marker Band 
    D3  148-8378  Elbow As 
    D4  148-8353  Elbow As 

    Illustration 19g06035584
    292-7163 Pump Lines Gp
    (E1) 148-8411 Plug As

  6. Remove plug (E1) from the tube.

    Table 26
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    E1  148-8411  Plug As 

    Illustration 20g06035605
    302-3141 Return Lines Gp
    (F1) 148-8445 Tee As

  7. Remove tee (F1).

    Table 27
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    F1  148-8445  Tee As 

    Illustration 21g02370601
    302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp

  8. Install 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp shown in Illustration 21. Refer to Table 10 for the list of parts.

    Illustration 22g06035619
    129-5973 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp
    (G1) 134-6844 Tube As
    (G2) 7Y-7992 Bolt
    (G3) 8T-4223 Hard Washer
    (G4) 1P-3704 Rectangular Seal
    (G5) 457-5821 Bolt
    (G6) 453-3454 Hard Washer
    (G7) 462-3576 Support As
    (G8) 447-1707 Bolt
    (G9) 3E-4356 Hard Washer
    (G10) 124-0909 Clip
    (G11) 462-3574 Support As

  9. Remove parts (G2) through (G11) to remove tube (G1) from the stick cylinder. Leave one of the clamp assemblies attached for the installation of the next group.

    Table 28
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    G1  134-6844  Tube As 
    G2  7Y-7992  Bolt 
    G3  8T-4223  Hard Washer 
    G4  1P-3704  Rectangular Seal 
    G5  457-5821  Bolt 
    G6  453-3454  Hard Washer 
    G7  462-3576  Support As 
    G8  447-1707  Bolt 
    G9  3E-4356  Hard Washer 
    G10  124-0909  Clip 
    G11  462-3574  Support As 

    Illustration 23g01477732
    302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp

  10. Install 302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp shown in Illustration 23. Refer to Table 11 for the list of parts.

Stick Lowering Control Valve - Mass Boom

  1. The 323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp must be updated to the 323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp. Perform the following steps to make the conversion.

      Illustration 24g06035403
      323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp
      (A1) 447-1703 Bolt
      (A2) 270-5698 Pilot Valve Gp
      (A3) 447-1706 Bolt
      (A4) 352-7204 Relief Valve Gp

    1. Remove bolts (A1) and bolts (A3) that secure pilot valve (A2). Remove the pilot valve.

    2. Remove relief valve (A4).

      Table 29
      Standard Removal Parts To Convert 323-7681 Main Control Valve Gp To 323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp 
      Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
      A1  447-1703  Bolt 
      A2  270-5698  Pilot Valve Gp 
      A3  447-1706  Bolt 
      A4  352-7204  Relief Valve Gp 

      Illustration 25g06035414
      323-7682 Main Control Valve Gp

    3. Install O-ring (4) and backup ring (5). Place cover (2) onto the valve and secure with two bolts (1) and the remaining two bolts and washers that were removed in Step a. Refer to Table 4 for the list of part numbers.

    4. Install plug (3).

    Illustration 26g06035731
    248-9445 Boom Lines Gp
    (B1) 453-2838 Bolt
    (B2) 451-2175 Hard Washer

  2. Remove two bolts (B1) and washers (B2).

    Table 30
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 230-0140 Boom Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    B1  453-2838  Bolt 
    B2  451-2175  Hard Washer 

  3. For machines not equipped with auxiliary lines proceed to Step 4. For machines that are equipped with auxiliary lines, proceed to Step a.

      Illustration 27g06035747
      230-0117 Auxiliary Hydraulic Lines Gp
      (C1) 453-1256 Bolt
      (C2) 451-2175 Hard Washer
      (C3) 132-1595 Plate

    1. Remove four bolts (C1), four washers (C2) and plate (C3).

      Table 31
      Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 230-0140 Boom Lines Gp 
      Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
      C1  453-1256  Bolt 
      C2  451-2175  Hard Washer 
      C3  132-1595  Plate 

    Illustration 28g03586416
    230-0140 Boom Lines Gp

  4. Install 230-0140 Boom Lines Gp shown in Illustration 28. Refer to Table 9 for the list of parts.

    Illustration 29g06035576
    302-2985 Pilot Lines Gp
    (D1) 115-3667 Hose As
    (D2) 133-5813 Marker Band
    (D3) 148-8378 Elbow As
    (D4) 148-8353 Elbow As

  5. Remove hose (D1) and marker band (D2). Remove elbow (D3) and elbow (D4).

    Table 32
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    D1  115-3667  Hose As 
    D2  133-5813  Marker Band 
    D3  148-8378  Elbow As 
    D4  148-8353  Elbow As 

    Illustration 30g06035584
    292-7163 Pump Lines Gp
    (E1) 148-8411 Plug As

  6. Remove plug (E1) from the tube.

    Table 33
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    E1  148-8411  Plug As 

    Illustration 31g06035605
    302-3141 Return Lines Gp
    (F1) 148-8445 Tee As

  7. Remove tee (F1).

    Table 34
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    F1  148-8445  Tee As 

    Illustration 32g02370601
    302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp

  8. Install 302-3283 Pilot Lines Gp shown in Illustration 32. Refer to Table 10 for the list of parts.

    Illustration 33g06035619
    129-5973 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp
    (G1) 134-6844 Tube As
    (G2) 7Y-7992 Bolt
    (G3) 8T-4223 Hard Washer
    (G4) 1P-3704 Rectangular Seal
    (G5) 457-5821 Bolt
    (G6) 453-3454 Hard Washer
    (G7) 462-3576 Support As
    (G8) 447-1707 Bolt
    (G9) 3E-4356 Hard Washer
    (G10) 124-0909 Clip
    (G11) 462-3574 Support As

  9. Remove parts (G2) through (G11) to remove tube (G1) from the stick cylinder. Leave one of the clamp assemblies attached for the installation of the next group.

    Table 35
    Standard Removal Parts Before Installation of 302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp 
    Item  Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
    G1  134-6844  Tube As 
    G2  7Y-7992  Bolt 
    G3  8T-4223  Hard Washer 
    G4  1P-3704  Rectangular Seal 
    G5  457-5821  Bolt 
    G6  453-3454  Hard Washer 
    G7  462-3576  Support As 
    G8  447-1707  Bolt 
    G9  3E-4356  Hard Washer 
    G10  124-0909  Clip 
    G11  462-3574  Support As 

    Illustration 34g01477732
    302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp

  10. Install 302-9546 Stick Cylinder Lines Gp shown in Illustration 34. Refer to Table 11 for the list of parts.

Information System:

336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Pressure Reducing Valve (Implement and Swing Priority) - Remove and Install
538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Travel Motor - Test - Measurement of Case Drain Oil
308E2 CR, 308E2 SR Mini Hydraulic Excavator Diagnostic Trouble Codes
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Gear Pump (Pilot) - Remove and Install
725C, 725C2, 730C, 730C2 and 730C, 730C2 EJECTOR Articulated Truck Systems Final Drive and Wheel
538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Relief Valve (Swing) - Test and Adjust
325F Excavator Engine Supplement Diesel Exhaust Fluid Pump - Remove and Install
Debris in Oil System Causing Repeat Failures of the (HEUI) Pump for Certain C7 and C9 Engines. {1126, 1251, 1318, 1378}
Procedure for Reinforcing Bracket As on Certain M Series Motor Graders {6158, 6159}
538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Swing Motor - Test - Measurement of Case Drain Oil
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Main Control Valve - Remove and Install
725C, 725C2, 730C, 730C2 and 730C, 730C2 EJECTOR Articulated Truck Systems Differential
926M, 930M and 938M Wheel Loaders Power Train Piston Motor (Hydrostatic) - Disassemble - Front Hydrostatic Piston Motor
926M, 930M and 938M Wheel Loaders Power Train Piston Motor (Hydrostatic) - Assemble - Front Hydrostatic Piston Motor
926M, 930M and 938M Wheel Loaders Power Train Piston Motor (Hydrostatic) - Disassemble - Rear Hydrostatic Piston Motor
926M, 930M and 938M Wheel Loaders Power Train Piston Motor (Hydrostatic) - Assemble - Rear Hydrostatic Piston Motor
538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Relief Valve (Crossover) - Test and Adjust
Counterbalance Valves Are Now Used on Certain Hydraulic Excavator Forestry Grapples {5362, 5457, 5555, 6307}
336D2/336D2 GC Excavator Engine Supplement Turbocharger - Remove and Install
725C, 725C2, 730C, 730C2 and 730C, 730C2 EJECTOR Articulated Truck Systems Gear Motor (Hydraulic Fan)
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Hydraulic Tank - Remove and Install
538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Process for Setting Up the Work Tool
325F Excavator Machine Systems Final Drive - Disassemble
325F Excavator Machine Systems Final Drive - Assemble