CB7, CB8 and CB10 Vibratory Asphalt Compactors Machine Systems Control Valve Caterpillar

Control Valve
CB7, CB8 and CB10 Vibratory Asphalt Compactors Machine Systems [M0075032]
CB7, CB8 and CB10 Vibratory Asphalt Compactors Machine Systems Control Valve

Illustration 1g06383252

Table 1
Item  Qty  Part  Specification Description 
391-8862 Hand Pump Gp  Installation torque is 19 to 25 N·m (168 to 221 lb in)
Tighten the nut to 10.8 to 13.5 N·m (95.6 to 119.5 lb in)
391-8861 Valve Cartridge As  Torque to 43 to 49 N·m (32 to 36 lb ft)
391-8864 Relief Valve Gp  Installation torque is 51 to 56 N·m (38 to 41 lb ft)
Tighten the nut to 10.8 to 13.6 N·m (95.6 to 120.4 lb in)
391-8833 Solenoid Valve Gp  Torque to 43 to 49 N·m (32 to 36 lb ft)
391-9071 Solenoid Coil  Torque to 6.8 to 9.5 N·m (60.2 to 84.1 lb in)
290-6436 Diverter Valve Gp  Installation torque is 95 to 106 N·m (70 to 78 lb ft)
391-8863 Solenoid Valve Gp  Installation torque is 51 to 56 N·m (38 to 41 lb ft)
10  Tighten the nut to 6.8 to 9.5 N·m (60.2 to 84.1 lb in)
11  6E-5066 Screen  Torque to 5.4 to 8.1 N·m (47.8 to 71.7 lb in)
12  279-5771 Relief Valve Gp  Installation torque is 95 to 106 N·m (70 to 78 lb ft)
13  Tighten the nut to 12 N·m (106 lb in)
14  437-2651 Shuttle Valve Gp  Installation torque is 51 to 56 N·m (38 to 41 lb ft)

Information System:

CB7, CB8 and CB10 Vibratory Asphalt Compactors Machine Systems Air Conditioner Lines
CB7, CB8 and CB10 Vibratory Asphalt Compactors Machine Systems Air Conditioner Lines
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