C9 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines Crankshaft Seals Caterpillar

Crankshaft Seals

Illustration 1g06026004
Torque Sequence

Illustration 2g06026005
(1) Front Crankshaft seal

Illustration 3g06026008
Detail A
(3) Front Housing

Illustration 4g06026011
Detail B
(4) Rear Crankshaft Seal
(5) O-ring Seal
(6) Bolt

Table 1
Specification for 189-9306 Crankshaft Seal Gp 
Item  Qty  Part  Specification Description 
4R-9999 Crankshaft Seal Excluder  The crankshaft seal excluder can be installed with the front seal for use in applications that operate in harsh environments. If the extruder is used on your application, lubricate the inside diameter of the crankshaft seal excluder with liquid soap prior to assembly to the crankshaft pulley. 
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for the complete procedure that is used for information that relates to the removal and the installation of the front and the rear crankshaft seals. 

Information System:

307E2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator Machine Systems Main Control Valve - Assemble
A Procedure to Install Quick Coupler Hydraulic Line Mounting Brackets on Certain 307E2 Mini Hydraulic Excavators is Now Available {6502}
Installation Procedure for Auxiliary Relief Valves on Certain 308E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators with an Updated Main Control Valve {5069, 5117}
Improved Electrical Grounding is Now Used on Certain 308E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators {1408, 7301}
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323F Excavator Maintenance Interval Schedule
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Power Train Track
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An Improved Window Position Switch is Now Used on Certain Excavators {7310}
538, 548 and 558 Forest Machine Connector Contact Description
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Fuel Tank
Technical Analysis 1 (TA1) Visual Inspection for Wheeled Excavator {0372, 1000, 7000, 753S, 7565}
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Mounting Bracket - Control
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