PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Electronic Control Module Caterpillar

Electronic Control Module

Illustration 1g06027082

Table 1
Item  Qty  Part  Specification Description 
Before assembly, apply blue Loctite 243 to threads.
Tighten the connectors to 1.6 ± 0.1 N·m (14.2 ± 0.9 lb in)
558-6550 Antenna As  Before assembly, apply blue Loctite 243 to threads.
Torque to 5.0 ± 0.5 N·m (44.3 ± 4.4 lb in)
6V-7357 Bolt  Before assembly, apply blue Loctite 243 to threads.
Torque to 3.5 ± 0.5 N·m (31.0 ± 4.4 lb in)
7X-2533 Bolt  Before assembly, apply blue Loctite 243 to threads. 

Illustration 2g06027084
Left-hand view

Table 2
Item  Qty  Part  Specification Description 
Final installation torque to 6.0 ± 1.5 N·m (53.1 ± 13.3 lb in)

Information System:

PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Conveyor System
C2.4 Tier 4 Final Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines Alternator - Remove and Install
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Operator Console
Installation Master Guide for the <NOBR>503-4975</NOBR> Auxiliary Control Ar on Certain Hydraulic Excavators {5051}
Installation of the <NOBR>255-2082</NOBR> Pilot Lines Gp on Certain Hydraulic Excavators {5057, 5059}
An Improved Power Converter is Available for Certain Excavators {7338}
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Lines (Conveyor) - Motor
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Steering Cylinder
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Lines (Conveyor)
New Cat Grade Control / Cat Production Measurement Software is Now Available on Certain 336F XE and 349F XE Excavators {7494, 7610, 7620}
415F2 Backhoe Loaders Hydraulic and Steering System Service Brake Control
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Mounting Bracket - Control
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Track Roller (Single Flange)
PM620, PM622, PM820 and PM822 and PM825 Cold Planer Machine Systems Control Valve and Mounting
301.7D CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator Track Adjustment - Inspect
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Swing Gear and Bearing - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Heating and Air Conditioning Unit - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Heater Core - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Evaporator Coil - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Cab - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Fuel Tank - Remove and Install
Improved Hoses Are Now Used on Certain Backhoe Loaders {5057}
New Rear Axle and Brake Control Groups Are Now Used On Certain 424B Backhoe Loaders {3278, 3282, 4269}
352F Mobile Hydraulic Power Unit (MHPU) Machine System Main Hydraulic System