330F MHPU Mobile Hydraulic Power Unit Machine System Gear Pump (Pilot) - Test Caterpillar

Gear Pump (Pilot) - Test
1.1. Specification
2.1. Introduction
3.1. Required Tools
4.1. Machine Preparation
5.1. Test Procedure


Table 1
"Gear Pump (Pilot) - Test" 
Machine Settings  Pilot Relief Pressure  Engine Speed 
4500 ± 500 kPa (653 ± 73 psi) Engine speed dial "10"
AEC switch OFF 
Pump Flow Test 
Oil Temperature C° (F°)   
Engine Speed (rpm)   
Flow Measured liter/min (US gpm)   
Flow Corrected liter/min (US gpm)   
Specification for Pump Flow liter/min (US gpm)  New  30 ± 4 L/min (7.9 ± 1.1 US gpm) 
Service Limit 24 L/min (6.3 US gpm) 

Note: Specifications for flow rates are based on an engine speed of 1600 rpm. To get more accurate test results, measured flow should be corrected with the following calculation.

Table 2
Corrected flow  Measured flow x 1600 rpm 
Measured rpm


The pilot pump is a gear pump that supplies oil flow to the pilot system. The pilot pump is located inside the main pump compartment and mounted externally to the main pump. This test is used to measure pump flow at the pilot pump.

Required Tools

Illustration 1g02571852
Tooling (A)
198-4240 Digital Pressure Indicator Gp

Illustration 2g02535237
Tooling (C)

Illustration 3g02156033
Tooling group (D)

Table 3
Tool  Item  Qty  Part
  198-4240  Digital Pressure Indicator Gp 
  A1  198-4234  Indicator 
A2 198-4237  Pressure Sensor
34,450 kPa (5,000 psi) 
A3 198-4236  Extension Cable 
  348-5430  Multi-Tool Gp 
  C1  285-0908  Multi-Tool 
C2 6V-2198  Cable As 
C3 9U-5140  Photo Pickup 
C4 6V-3137  Base 
C5 1U-6605  Reflective Tape 
C6 6V-3138  Extension 
D1  6V-7788  Flow Meter
5 to 60 L/min (2 to 15 US gpm) 
D2 8C-6874  Reducer 
D3 6V-9746  O-Ring Seal 
D4 124-1901  Permanent Coupling 
D5 3 ft  122-6870  Bulk Hydraulic Hose 
D6 124-2147  Permanent Coupling 
D7 6V-8942  O-Ring Reducer 
D8 6V-8556  Nut 
D9 6V-8398  O-Ring Seal 
311-1362  Vacuum Cap 

Machine Preparation


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Cat® products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

Note: Set the pilot relief valve to the specification. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust".

  1. Position the machine on level ground.

  2. Stop the engine.

  3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic System Pressure - Release".

  4. Attach 311-1362 Vacuum Cap onto the hydraulic tank. Attach an air supply hose onto the assembly. Apply 276 to 414 kPa (40 to 60 psi). This procedure will pull a vacuum on the hydraulic system.

    Illustration 4g03699854
    Flow meter tool layout
    Tooling (D)
    ( 1) Pilot pump
    (2) Connector
    (3) Hose
    (4) Pilot filter

  5. Install the following tools in accordance with the flow meter tool layout. Refer to Illustration 4.

  6. Disconnect hose (3) from connector (2).

  7. Connect flow meter assembly (D) between connector (2) and hose (3).

    Note: Correct orientation of the flow meter is necessary. The oil flows from pilot pump (1) to pilot filter (4).

  8. Remove 311-1362 Vacuum Cap.

  9. Install tooling (C) on the engine to monitor engine speed.

Test Procedure

  1. Start the engine.

  2. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).

  3. Place the machine controls at the following settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch OFF. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test (Engine Speed)" for engine rpm settings.

  4. Check the flow of oil through the flow meter. Refer to Table 1.

Information System:

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325F Excavator Engine Supplement Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank - Remove and Install
330F MHPU Mobile Hydraulic Power Unit Machine System Specifications
314F and 315F Excavators Machine System Specifications Boom Cylinder Lines
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