330F MHPU Mobile Hydraulic Power Unit Machine System Specifications Caterpillar


Illustration 1g06058318
Relief valve locations
(1) Main relief valve
(2) Boom cylinder line (head end)
(3) Boom cylinder line (rod end)
(4) Stick cylinder line (head end)
(5) Stick cylinder line (rod end)
(6) Bucket cylinder line (head end)
(7) Bucket cylinder line (rod end)
(8) Swing (right)
(9) Swing (left)
(10) Pilot relief valve
(11) Main control valve
(12) Pilot filter
(13) Swing motor

Table 1
Relief Valve  Specifications  Torque for Locknut 
Service Limit(2) 
Main relief valve  35000 ± 500 kPa (5076 ± 73 psi)  35000 + 500 - 2000 kPa (5076 + 73 - 290 psi)  50 ± 10 N·m (37 ± 7 lb ft) 
38000 ± 500 kPa (5512 ± 73 psi)
(Heavy Lift)
38000 + 500 - 2000 kPa (5512 + 73 -290 psi)  69 ± 10 N·m (51 ± 7 lb ft) 
Boom cylinder line (head end)  40000 ± 500 kPa (5802 ± 73 psi)  32800 kPa (4757 psi)  20 ± 2 N·m (14 ± 1 lb ft) 
Boom cylinder line (rod end)  37000 ± 500 kPa (5366 ± 73 psi)  32800 kPa (4757 psi) 
Stick cylinder line (head end) 
Stick cylinder line (rod end)  40000 ± 500 kPa (5802 ± 73 psi)  32800 kPa (4757 psi) 
Bucket cylinder line (head end)  37000 ± 500 kPa (5366 ± 73 psi)  32800 kPa (4757 psi) 
Bucket cylinder line (rod end) 
Swing relief pressure (right) 334-9971 Swing Motor Gp  29400 ± 1000 kPa (4264 ± 145 psi)  29400 + 1000 - 2000 kPa (4264 + 145 - 290 psi)  118 ± 10 N·m (87 ± 7 lb ft) 
Swing relief pressure (left) 334-9971 Swing Motor Gp 
Swing relief pressure (right) 482-6394 Swing Motor Gp  30900 ± 1000 kPa (4482 ± 145 psi)  30900 + 1000 - 2000 kPa (4482 + 145 - 290 psi) 
Swing relief pressure (left) 482-6394 Swing Motor Gp 
Pilot relief valve  4100 ± 200 kPa (595 ± 29 psi)  49 ± 5 N·m (36 ± 4 lb ft) 
(1) A New specification is the performance that can be expected for a new machine. A “Rebuild” specification is the performance that can be expected after rebuilding the components of a system.
(2) Performance beyond “Service Limit” specifications is an indication of the following problems: improper adjustment, wear, damage of relief valves and damage of pumps.

Table 2
Relief Valves  Pressure change With One Turn Of Adjustment Screw 
Main valves  14500 kPa (2103 psi) 
Swing relief valve  6800 kPa (985 psi) 
Pilot relief valve  620 kPa (90 psi) 

Note: Pressure values in Table 2 are approximate values. Use a pressure gauge for adjustment.

Note: Normal operations of the engine and pumps are necessary for the pressure adjustments. If the results of the pressure adjustment are not correct, then check the engine and the pump characteristic curve. Slow output flow from the pump is an indication of air in the hydraulic system. Make sure that no air is present in the hydraulic system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Main Hydraulic Pump Air - Purge".

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