303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust Caterpillar

Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System [UENR4294]
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust
1.1. Specification
2.1. Introduction
3.1. Required Tools
4.1. Machine Preparation
5.1. Test Procedure
6.1. Adjustment Procedure


Table 1
Pilot Relief Valve Pressure Setting 
Machine Settings  Engine Speed 
Engine Speed Dial "High Idle"
Item  Specification  Actual 
Pilot relief valve  4100 ± 200 kPa
(595 ± 30 psi) 


The pilot relief valve limits the pressure in the pilot system. The pilot relief valve setting is adjustable.

Required Tools

Table 2
Required Tools 
Part Number  Description  Qty 
198-4240  Digital Pressure Indicator Gp   
198-4234  Digital Indicator 
198-4238  Pressure Sensor Gp 
198-4236  Adapter Cable As 

Machine Preparation

  1. Place the machine on level ground.

  2. Stop the engine.

  3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic System Pressure - Release".

    Illustration 1g06032321
    Main control valve
    (1) Pressure tap
    (2) Jam nut
    (3) Pressure reducing valve

  4. Connect a 34450 kPa (5000 psi) pressure gauge to pressure tap (1).

Test Procedure

  1. Start the engine.

  2. Place the machine controls at the following settings: engine speed dial "High Idle". Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test (Engine Speed)" for engine rpm settings.

  3. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the UNLOCKED position.

  4. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).

  5. Stall any implement function and check the pilot pressure setting at pressure tap (1).

  6. The pilot pressure setting should be 4100 ± 200 kPa (594.7 ± 29.0 psi). If the pilot pressure setting is not within the specification, adjust pressure reducing valve (3).

Adjustment Procedure

    Illustration 2g06032327
    Main control valve
    (2) Jam nut
    (3) Pressure reducing valve

  1. Remove cap from pressure reducing valve (3) to expose the internal hex screw.

  2. In order to adjust pressure reducing valve (3), loosen jam nut (2).

  3. Turn the internal hex screw until the pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is 4100 ± 200 kPa (595 ± 29.0 psi).

    Note: Turn the internal hex screw clockwise to increase the pressure. Turn the internal hex screw counterclockwise to decrease the pressure.

    Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure increase.

  4. Tighten jam nut (2) to a torque of 8.1 ± 1.3 N·m (6.0 ± 1.0 lb ft).

  5. Repeat the"Test Procedure" to confirm the pressure setting.

  6. Replace the cap on pressure reducing valve (3).

Information System:

538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Engine Performance - Test - Engine Speed
325F Excavator Engine Supplement Refrigerant Condenser and Mounting - Remove and Install
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Cylinder Speed - Check
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Cylinder Drift - Check
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Swing Speed and Overswing on Level Ground - Check
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Travel on Level Ground - Test - Optional Test
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Travel on Level Ground - Test
303.5E2 CR, 304E2 CR, 304.5E2 XTC, 305E2 CR and 305.5E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators Hydraulic System Engine Performance - Test - Engine Speed
538 Forest Machine Machine Systems Cylinder Speed - Check
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PM620, PM622, PM820, PM822 and PM825 Cold Planers Electronic System Diagnostic Capabilities
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PM620, PM622, PM820, PM822 and PM825 Cold Planers Electronic System Determining Diagnostic Trouble Codes
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336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Solenoid Valve (Negative Flow Control, Proportional Reducing Valve) - Remove and Install
PM620, PM622, PM820, PM822 and PM825 Cold Planers Electronic System Event Codes
558 Forest Machine Machine Systems Solenoid Valve (Proportional Reducing) - Calibrate - Power Shift Pressure
558 Forest Machine Machine Systems Relief Valve (Main) - Test and Adjust
725C, 725C2, 730C, 730C2 and 730C, 730C2 EJECTOR Articulated Truck Systems Differential