GSH420, GSH425, GSH440, GSH520, GSH525, GSH455 and GSH555 Orange Peel Grapples Shell Assembly - Remove and Install Caterpillar

Shell Assembly - Remove and Install
1.1. Removal Procedure
2.1. Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

Start By:

  1. Remove the hydraulic cylinder.


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before operating any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids.

After collecting all fluids in suitable containers, dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

    Illustration 1g06029668

  1. Attach a suitable lifting device and crane to grapple assembly (1). Refer to the Table 1 for the approximate weight of grapple assembly (1). Lower grapple assembly (1) with closed shells near to the ground. Secure grapple assembly (1) against moving. Refer to Illustration 1.

    Table 1
    Approximate Weight of grapple assembly (1) 
    Model  Approximate Weight 
    GSH420  1202 kg (2650 lb) 
    GSH425  1663 kg (3666 lb) 
    GSH440  2207 kg (4866 lb) 
    GSH455  2665 kg (5875 lb) 
    GSH520  1602 kg (3532 lb) 
    GSH525  2230 kg (4916 lb) 
    GSH555  3142 kg (6927 lb) 

    Illustration 2g06029670

  2. Attach a suitable lifting device to shell assembly (5). Refer to the Table 2 for the approximate weight of shell assembly (5).

    Table 2
    Approximate Weight of shell assembly (5) 
    Model  Approximate Weight 
    GSH420  159 kg (351 lb) 
    GSH425  225 kg (496 lb) 
    GSH440  302 kg (666 lb) 
    GSH455  382 kg (842 lb) 
    GSH520  192 kg (423 lb) 
    GSH525  273 kg (602 lb) 
    GSH555  368 kg (811 lb) 

  3. Remove nut (2), washer (3), and pin (4).

  4. Remove shell assembly (5).

Installation Procedure

Table 3
Required Tools 
Tool  Part Number  Part Description  Qty 
452-6006  Grease 

  1. Install shell assembly (5) in the reverse order of removal.

    1. Coat all bores for pin (4) with Tooling (A).

      Note: Install pin (4) with lubricant bore pointing towards the housing.

Information System:

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