336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Stick - Remove and Install Caterpillar

Stick - Remove and Install
1.1. Removal Procedure
2.1. Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

Table 1
Required Tools 
Tool  Part Number  Part Description  Qty 
9U-5344  Puller Stud 
9U-5346 Nut 
6V-3175 Hydraulic Cylinder Gp 
9U-5266 Sleeve 
350-7768 Electric Hydraulic Pump Gp 
1U-5197  Hydraulic Cylinder Gp 
350-7768 Electric Hydraulic Pump Gp 
9U-6809 Nut 
220-1776 Puller Stud 
287-2153 Receiving Sleeve 

Start By:

a. Remove the bucket.


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Cat® products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

  1. Start the machine. Fully retract the bucket cylinder. Secure the linkage to the stick.

    Illustration 1g00686746

  2. Fully extend the stick cylinder. Lower the stick to the floor. Block the end of the stick that connects to the boom. Stop the engine.

    Illustration 2g00686722

  3. Place a suitable block under stick cylinder (1).

    Illustration 3g01223940

  4. Install Tooling (A). Remove retaining bolt (2) from pin assembly (3).

    Note: Shims are located between the stick cylinder and the stick at the pin bore.

  5. Remove pin assembly (3) and the spacer from the stick. The weight of pin assembly (3) and Tooling (A) is approximately 50 kg (110 lb).

  6. Start the machine. Fully retract the stick cylinder. Stop the engine.

  7. Remove the shims that are located between the stick cylinder and the stick at the pin bore.

    Illustration 4g00690283

  8. Position suitable blocks between the stick and the boom, as shown.

  9. Release hydraulic system pressure. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Hydraulic System Pressure - Release".

    Illustration 5g01227196

  10. Disconnect hose assemblies (4). Remove retaining bolt (6) from pin assembly (5). Attach a suitable lifting device to Tooling (B). The weight of Tooling (B) is approximately 136 kg (300 lb). Use Tooling (B) and the suitable lifting device to remove pin assembly (5). The combined weight of pin assembly (5) and Tooling (B) is approximately 200 kg (440 lb).

    Note: Shims are located between the boom and stick (7) at the pin bore.

  11. Start the machine. Raise the boom away from stick (7).

    Note: The suitable blocks that are located between stick (7) and the boom will fall when the boom is raised.

  12. Swing the machine so that the boom may be lowered to the floor. Lower the boom to the floor. Stop the engine.

  13. Remove the shims that are located between stick (7) and the boom at the pin bore.

Installation Procedure

Table 2
Required Tools 
Tool  Part Number  Part Description  Qty 
452-6006  Grease Cartridge 
9U-6225  Pin Driver Cap 
4C-9485  Pin Driver Cap 

Note: Make sure that the pin bores in the stick and boom are thoroughly cleaned, free of dirt and debris prior to the installation.

  1. Put a thin coat of Tooling (C) on the sleeve bearings and on the lips of lip seals.

  2. Start the machine. Raise the boom. Swing the boom over the stick. Align the pin bores for the boom to stick pin.

    Illustration 6g01224011

    Illustration 7g01213266
    (B) Boom. (S) Stick.

  3. Install a shim (8) on each side of the boom between the boom and the stick at the pin bore. Shim (8) is identified by the tab on the shim. Install Tooling (D) into pin assembly (5). Attach a suitable lifting device to pin assembly (5). The weight of pin assembly (5) is approximately 64 kg (140 lb).

  4. Force the stick to one side of the boom. Measure the total clearance between the stick and the boom. Install the required shims.

  5. Use Tooling (D) and a suitable hammer to install pin assembly (5).

  6. Measure the total clearance between the stick and the boom at the pin bore. The total clearance is Dimension (X) plus Dimension (Y). The total clearance must not be more than 0.8 mm (0.03 inch). If the total clearance is less than 0.8 mm (0.03 inch), the addition of shims will not be necessary. If the total clearance is more than 0.8 mm (0.03 inch), the addition of shims will be required.

  7. If shims are required, remove pin assembly (5). Install the required number of shims (9) and (10) between the stick and the boom on the side opposite retaining bolt (6). Locate shims (9) and (10) between the boom and shim (8). Install pin assembly (5).

  8. Install the washer and retaining bolt (6).

  9. Release the hydraulic system pressure. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Hydraulic System Pressure - Release" in this manual.

  10. Install new O-ring seals in the ends of all hose assemblies (4). Connect all hose assemblies (4) in the hoses original location.

    Illustration 8g06041734

  11. Fasten a suitable lifting device to the rod end of stick cylinder (1). Extend stick cylinder (1) until the pin bore lines up with the pin bores in the stick. Install a shim on each side of the stick cylinder at the pin bore.

  12. Install the spacer. Use Tooling (E) to install pin assembly (3). Install the washer and retaining bolt (2).

    End BY:

    a. Install the bucket.

Information System:

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