336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Stick Bearings and Seals - Remove and Install Caterpillar

Stick Bearings and Seals - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems [M0065626]
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Stick - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Stick Bearings and Seals - Remove and Install
1.1. Removal Procedure
2.1. Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

Table 1
Required Tools 
Tool  Part Number  Part Description  Qty 
9U-5339  Bearing Puller Adapter(1) 
9U-5338 Bearing Puller Adapter(2) 
4C-9634 Puller Stud 
9U-6832 Nut 
6V-3175 Double Acting Cylinder 
350-7768 Electric Hydraulic Pump (115 V)(3) 
9U-5266 Receiving Sleeve 
(1) Used for removing the bearing that is on the boom side of the stick
(2) Used for removing the bearing that is on the bucket side of the stick
(3) 350-7769 Electric Hydraulic Pump (230 V) is available.

Start By:

a. Remove the stick.

Note: For the removal of the sleeve bearings from the stick at the pin joint for the bucket control linkage, refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Bucket Linkage Bearings and Seals - Remove".

    Illustration 1g00592359

  1. Remove lip type seal (1) from the bore for the boom to stick pin.

    Illustration 2g00592391

  2. Use Tooling (A) to remove the sleeve bearing.

  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to remove the lip type seal and the sleeve bearing from the opposite side of the stick.

    Illustration 3g00604131

  4. Remove lip type seal (2) from the bore for the stick to bucket pin.

    Illustration 4g00687381

  5. Use Tooling (B) to remove the sleeve bearing.

  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to remove the lip type seal and the sleeve bearing from the opposite side of the stick.

Installation Procedure

Table 2
Required Tools 
Tool  Part Number  Part Description  Qty 
452-6006  Molybdenum Grease 
1P-0520  Driver Gp 

Note: Make sure that the bearing bores for the sleeve bearings are free of paint and grease prior to the installation of the sleeve bearings.

  1. Lower the temperature of the new sleeve bearing for the heel end of the stick.

  2. Insert the new sleeve bearing into the stick at the connection of the stick and the heel.

    Illustration 5g06032623
    (E) Angle for the Thrust Groove (60 ± 5 Degrees)

    Note: The sleeve bearing must be assembled so that the open end of the thrust groove is directed toward the center cavity.

  3. Insert the sleeve bearing so that the thrust groove is at 60 ± 5 degrees off set from the perpendicular to the bottom of stick.

    Illustration 6g06032625
    (F) 9.50 ± 0.8 mm (0.374 ± 0.032 inch)

  4. Use Tooling (A) to drive the new sleeve bearing into the bearing bore in the stick. Drive the new sleeve bearing into the bearing bore to the depth of Dimension (F).

    Illustration 7g01032914
    Typical example

  5. Use Tooling (A) to install lip seal (1) in the outside of the sleeve bearing. Install lip seal (1) so that the lip faces outward. Drive the seal until the seal contact with the sleeve bearing. Apply Tooling (D) to the sealing lip of lip seal (1) and to the sleeve bearings.

  6. Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for installation of the sleeve bearing and of the lip seal on the other side of the stick.

  7. Lower the temperature of the new sleeve bearing for the boom end of the stick.

  8. Insert the new sleeve bearing into the stick at the connection of the stick and of the boom.

    Illustration 8g06032631
    (H) 9.5 ± 0.8 mm (0.37 ± 0.03 inch)

  9. Use Tooling (A) to drive new sleeve bearing (G) into the bearing bore in the stick. Drive new sleeve bearing (G) into the bearing bore to the depth of Dimension (H).

    Illustration 9g01219099

  10. Use Tooling (A) to install lip seal (3) in the outside of the sleeve bearing. Install lip seal (3) so that the lip faces outward. Drive the lip seal until the lip seal contact with the sleeve bearing. Apply Tooling (C) to the sealing lip of lip seal (3) and to the sleeve bearing.

  11. Repeat Step 7 through Step 10 for installation of the sleeve bearing and of the lip seal on the other side of the stick.

    End By:

    a. Install the stick.

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