5230B Excavator Machine Systems Piston Motor (Air Conditioner) - Remove and Install Caterpillar

Piston Motor (Air Conditioner) - Remove and Install
1.1. Removal Procedure
2.1. Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

------ WARNING! ------

At operating temperature the implement hydraulic oil tank is hot and under pressure. Hot oil can cause burns.

To prevent possible injury, release the pressure in the implement hydraulic system before hydraulic lines or components are disconnected or removed.



Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "AVSpare Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on AVSpare products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

  1. Depress the vacuum breather relief valve on the main hydraulic tank in order to relieve pressure in the tank.

  1. Close the blocker valves on the main hydraulic tank.

    Illustration 1g00866654

  1. Remove four bolts (1) and the washers that secure guard (2). Remove guard (2) .

    Illustration 2g00866670

  1. Loosen nuts (3) in order to relieve tension on belt (4). Remove belt (4) .

  1. Remove two bolts (5) from pulley (6). Install two bolts (5) in the threaded holes in the hub of the pulley. Tighten the bolts in order to loosen pulley (6). Remove pulley (6) and the key.

  1. Mark all lines, hoses, and tubes for later installation purposes. Cap all disconnected lines, hoses, and tubes and plug all open ports in order to prevent contamination of the hydraulic system.

    Illustration 3g00866690

  1. Disconnect hose (7), hose (8), and tee (9) from hydraulic motor (12) .

    Note: Two hoses should remain attached to tee (9) .

  1. Disconnect hose (10) from hydraulic motor (12) .

  1. Remove two bolts (11) and the washers. Remove hydraulic motor (12) from bracket (13) .

Installation Procedure

Note: Cleanliness is an important factor. Before installation, all components should be thoroughly clean. Inspect all parts. If any parts are worn or damaged, use new parts for replacement. Inspect all gaskets and seals. If any gaskets or seals are damaged or worn, use new gaskets or seals for replacement. Lubricate all O-ring seals with the fluid that is being sealed. All installation procedures should be performed in a clean work area.

    Illustration 4g00866690

  1. Position hydraulic motor (12) on bracket (13). Install two bolts (11) and the washers.

  1. Refer to the markings on lines, hoses, and tubes for assembly purposes.

  1. Connect hose (10) to hydraulic motor (12) .

  1. Connect hose (7), hose (8), and tee (9) to hydraulic motor (12) .

    Illustration 5g00866670

  1. Install pulley (6) and the key on the shaft of hydraulic motor (12). Remove two bolts (5) from the threaded holes in the hub of the pulley. Install two bolts (5) through the holes in the hub of the pulley.

  1. Install belt (4) on pulley (6) .

  1. Use nuts (3) to tighten belt (4). Adjust the tension of a new belt to 578 ± 111 N (130 ± 25 lb). Adjust the tension of a used belt to 445 ± 44 N (100 ± 10 lb).

    Illustration 6g00866654

  1. Use four bolts (1) and the washers to secure guard (2) .

  1. Open the blocker valves on the main hydraulic tank.

  1. Check the level of the hydraulic oil. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Hydraulic System Oil Level - Check".

  1. Purge the air from the hydraulic system. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Hydraulic System - Purge".

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