New K Series GET Tips are Now Available for Certain Excavators and Wheel Loaders Buckets {6800, 6805} Caterpillar

New K Series GET Tips are Now Available for Certain Excavators and Wheel Loaders Buckets {6800, 6805} [M0067468]
New K Series GET Tips are Now Available for Certain Excavators and Wheel Loaders Buckets {6800, 6805}
All Excavators Using K130 and K150 Adapters
All Excavators Using K80, K90 and K100 Adapters
All Excavators using K110 Adapters
Wheel Loader
All Wheel Loaders Using K80, K90 and K100 Adapters
All Wheel Loaders using K110 Adapters
All Wheel Loaders using K130 and K150 Adapters

New K series GET tips are now available for certain Excavators and Wheel Loaders Buckets. The new tips have material added to the pocket to achieve a Maximum Material Fit (MMC) fit.

Replace the broken or worn tips with the new part number found in Table 1.

Table 1
GET K Series Tip Part Numbers - 2015 CRB 
Adapter Size  K80  K90  K100  K110  K130  K150 
Part Number Version  OLD  NEW  OLD  NEW  OLD  NEW  OLD  NEW  OLD  NEW  OLD  NEW 
Wide  222-1080  475-5474  222-1090  475-5485  223-8100  475-5498  286-2111  470-7986  223-8130  470-7979  195-5151  470-7981 
Extra Duty  220-9081  475-5468  220-9091  475-5480  220-9101  475-5492  286-2112  467-9821  264-2131  467-9815  264-2151  467-9819 
Penetration  220-9082  475-5469  220-9092  475-5481  220-9102  475-5493  286-2113  467-9822  220-9132  470-7975  229-7152  470-7982 
Penetration Plus  220-9083  475-5470  220-9093  475-5482  220-9103  475-5494  286-2114  467-9823  220-9133  467-9813  229-7153  467-9817 
Spike  220-9087  475-5471  220-9097  475-5483  220-9107  475-5495  286-2115  470-7972  220-9137  470-7976  229-7157  470-7983 
Double Spike  220-9088  475-5472  309-1098  475-5491  220-9108  475-5496  286-2116  470-7973  220-9138  470-7977  229-7158  470-7984 
General Duty  220-9089  475-5473  220-9099  475-5484  220-9109  475-5497  286-2117  467-9824  220-9139  470-7978  229-7159  470-7985 
Heavy Penetration  222-1081  475-5475  222-1091  475-5486  223-8101  475-5499  286-2118  467-9825  264-2132  467-9816  264-2152  467-9820 
Heavy Abrasion  222-1082  475-5476  222-1092  475-5487  223-8102  475-5500  286-2119  470-7974  223-8132  467-9814  229-7156  467-9818 
Extra Duty Long Life (ARM)  229-7080  475-5477  232-0090  475-5488  232-0100  475-5501  315-0110  472-7763  232-2130  472-7765  232-0150  472-7768 
Penetration Long Life (ARM)  229-7081  475-5478  232-0091  475-5489  232-0101  475-5502  315-0111  472-7764  232-2131  472-7766  232-0151  472-7769 
Leveling Edge Conversion (LEC)  232-0082  475-5479  232-0092  475-5490  232-0102  475-5503             

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