New Cat Grade Control / Cat Production Measurement Software is Now Available on Certain 336F XE and 349F XE Excavators {7494, 7610, 7620} Caterpillar

New Cat Grade Control / Cat Production Measurement Software is Now Available on Certain 336F XE and 349F XE Excavators {7494, 7610, 7620} [M0067568]
New Cat Grade Control / Cat Production Measurement Software is Now Available on Certain 336F XE and 349F XE Excavators {7494, 7610, 7620}
336F (S/N: KGH1-160; YBH1-124; LTP1-120; MTW1-178; DFY1-248)
349F (S/N: SFG1-UP; RAX1-106)
Service Magazine, M0067568, 12, January 2016, New Cat Grade Control / Cat Production Measurement Software is Now Available on Certain 336F XE, 349F XE, and 352F XE Excavators {7494, 7610, 7620} . Disregard the previous article. The sales models and serial numbers affected have been updated for the following article.

Reference: System OperationTesting and Adjusting, UENR6906, "336F XE, 349F, and 352F Excavators CatProduction Monitoring"

New Cat Grade Control (CGC) / Cat Production Measurement (CPM) software is available for the machines listed above. Once the new CGC / CPM software is flashed, you will get the features described below:

Note: Machine, CPM, and Monitor software must be updated at the same time. Refer to Table 1. Software in SIS may not be the latest. Search the new monitor software by part number in SIS.

Note: Do not perform any CPM calibrations until all software is flashed.

Go to SIS Web to make sure that the new flash file part number is still the latest flash file part number. A newer flash file part number may be available. SIS Web only displays the latest available flash file. The new software is available in the form of a flash file through AVSpare Service Information System (SIS).

Table 1
New Software 
Part Number  Description 
336F XE  349F XE 
484-7258 or newer  501-1455 or newer  Machine Software 
492-8539 or newer  CPM Software 
500-9172 or newer  Monitor Software 

  1. Improved Cat Production Measurement (CPM) calibration

    • Updated the CPM calibration instructions and calibration failed massage on the monitor. These updates will help successfully complete CPM calibrations.

  2. Improved the Weigh Status condition

    • Improved the Weigh Status condition for the "Green Lamp On" to align within 5%. The condition "Green Lamp On" represents an accurate payload has been obtained, provided the CPM system has been calibrated correctly.

  3. Bucket tip off feature

    • "Estimated Bucket Payload" is now displayed on the monitor before obtaining a "Green Lamp On" Weigh Status and after completing a partial bucket dump. This allows the operator to quickly see if a bucket load adjustment is required and to partially dump a bucket (tip off) to meet the target payload. For more detail information, refer to UENR6906.

  4. Simple Calibration Mode

    • Simple calibration mode will fine-tune the main system calibration to match a reference scale. Simple calibration mode can be performed on as few as 1 or as many as 15 trucks. The more trucks used, the better the calibration will be fine-tuned. The recommended number of trucks for most applications is 5. For more detail information, refer to , UENR6906.

  5. CPM Menu updates on the monitor

    • New menu mode sequence of Standard, CGC, and CPM. Refer to Illustration 1.

    • New "Target Payload Input Mode" on CPM 2 key pattern.

    • Change the warning message from "Unsmooth" to "Swing Too Short".

    • New CGC light bar displayed on CPM screen. Refer to Illustration 2.

    • Move "Zero Adjustment Weight" and "Raw Payload" from under "Service" menu to "Operating Mode" under "Production Measurement" menu. "Zero Adjustment Weight" shows the result of "Bucket Zero". "Raw Payload" shows "Live Bucket Payload".

    • New "Bucket Zero" key when "Bucket Zero" warning message appears. Refer to Illustration 3.

Illustration 1g06026772
Former vs new monitor key patterns
(1) Cat Production Measurement 1
(2) Cat Production Measurement 2
(3) Standard Display
(4) Cat Grade Control 1
(5) Cat Grade Control 2

Illustration 2g06026784
Former vs new CGC monitor light bar

Illustration 3g06026786
New "Bucket Zero" key

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