Four-point Seat Belts are Now Available for Certain Excavators and Track Feller Bunchers {7312} Caterpillar

Four-point Seat Belts are Now Available for Certain Excavators and Track Feller Bunchers {7312} [M0067826]
Four-point Seat Belts are Now Available for Certain Excavators and Track Feller Bunchers {7312}
320D2 (S/N: BW21-UP; CY21-UP)
324D (S/N: JGK1-UP; JKR1-UP; JLS1-UP)
325D (S/N: C7K1-UP; C8L1-UP)
330D (S/N: H3K1-UP; L2K1-UP)
568 (S/N: BRB1-UP; YJX1-UP)
Track Feller Buncher
521B (S/N: F7B1-UP)
522B (S/N: F7C1-UP)
541 Series 2 (S/N: F7D1-UP)
552 Series 2 (S/N: F7G1-UP)

Reference: Special Instruction , M0077734 , "Installation of Four-point Seat Belt on Certain Excavators and Track Feller Bunchers".

Four-point seat belts are now available for the machines listed above.

The seat belts have been released as a customer requirement for working on steep slopes. Refer to the assembly procedure below.

Table 1
Required Parts 
Item  Qty  Part Number  Description 
1a  452-6708(1)  Seat Gp 
1b  452-6707(2)  Seat Gp 
468-7461(1)  Plate 
7X-7729(1)  Washer 
8T-4195(1)  Bolt 
353-1896(1)  Spacer 
6V-8202(1)  Bolt 
316-8987(1)  Bracket 
491-0568(2)  Harness As 
3S-2093(2)  Cable Strap 
10  452-6710  Seat Belt Gp 
11  452-6709(3)  Seat Belt Gp 
(1) For 320D FM, 320 D 2 FM, 324D FM, 325D FM, 330D FM, 521B, 522B, 541 2, and 552 2
(2) For 568 only
(3) Recommended for steep slope applications

The new four-point seat belts are adaptable to the machines listed above.

Installation Instructions

Note: If seat removal is necessary, refer to Disassembly and Assembly, UENR0343, "541 Series 2 and 552 Series 2 Track Feller Bunchers Machine Systems"

    Illustration 1g06030410
    (2) 468-7461 Plate
    (3) 7X-7729 Washer
    (4) 8T-4195 Bolt

  1. Remove and discard the hardware mounting the seat riser to the floor plate. Install two plates (2) using four washers (3) and four bolts (4). Orient the plate such that the arrow is facing toward the front of the machine. Torque bolts to 55 N·m (41 lb ft). Refer to Illustration 1.

    Illustration 2g06030422
    (5) 353-1896 Spacer
    (6) 6V-8202 Bolt

  2. Slide the seat suspension to remove mounting hardware. Install four spacers (5) and four bolts (6). Torque bolts to 27 N·m (20 lb ft). Refer to Illustration 2.

    Illustration 3g06030507
    (5) 353-1896 Spacer
    (6) 6V-8202 Bolt
    (7) 316-8987 Bracket

    Illustration 4g06030484
    (A) 372-9357 Support
    (B) 6V-8202 Bolt

  3. For 320D FM , 320 D 2 FM, 324D FM, 325D FM, 330D FM, 521B, 522B, 541 2, and 552 2 machines: Slide the seat top to remove mounting hardware. Remove the seat top and install new seat top. Install seat group (1a). Install loosely. Slide the seat repeatedly to ensure smooth slide travel with no binding. Torque bolts to 55 N·m (41 lb ft).

    For 568 machines: Slide the seat top to remove mounting hardware. Remove the seat top and install new seat top. Remove one Support (A) and two Bolts (B) from rear of seat and save for reassembly to new seat. Refer to Illustration 4. Disconnect seat heater connector. Install seat group (1b). Install two brackets (7) and two bolts (6) at the front of the seat. Install two spacers (5) and two bolts (6) at the rear of the seat. Refer to Illustration 3. Install hardware loosely. Slide the seat repeatedly to ensure smooth slide travel with no binding. Torque bolts to 55 N·m (41 lb ft).

  4. For the installation of the seat belt, refer to Special Instruction , M0077734 , "Installation of Four-point Seat Belts on Certain Excavators and Track Feller Bunchers"

  5. For 568 machines ONLY: Install support (A) and two bolts (B) removed in Step 3. Install 491-0568 Harness As (8) by connecting to the cab lead for the seat heater and then connecting to the 12/24V converter and heater on the seat. Secure with two 3S-2093 Cable Straps.

Information System:

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374F Excavator Machine Systems Main Hydraulic Pump - Disassemble
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314F and 315F Excavators Machine System Specifications Front Lines
GSH420, GSH425, GSH440, GSH520, GSH525, GSH455 and GSH555 Orange Peel Grapples Hydraulic Cylinder - Remove and Install
336D 2L and 340D 2L Excavators Machine Systems Bucket Linkage - Remove and Install
314F and 315F Excavators Machine System Specifications Front Lines
316F Excavator Machine System Specifications Bucket Cylinder
314F and 315F Excavators Machine System Specifications Boom Cylinder
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